A New Chapter

It has been a looooong time since I’ve written a blog post.  I guess you could say I fell off the wagon.  I lost my passion for it.  It just didn’t seem to make it to the top of the priority list.  I have been thinking about that a lot lately, and have had numerous conversations with friends and clients about what role our passions and priorities play in determining how we spend our time.


You see, when I first started this blog it was all about organization and DIY projects.  As Organized Housewife has grown, it has become more about organization and maintaining peace and order in our homes than DIY.  I realized that there are a million talented bloggers out there doing super cool and creative DIY projects that make their homes beautiful, organized and the envy of every blog reading momma out there. 


We see the amazing blog posts and Pinterest boards and get inspired – actually I call it envious, but it’s really quite closely related isn’t it!  The realization hit me that I was contributing to the epidemic of everyone wanting their house to be as fabulous as the latest staged photo on a bloggers website that committed countless hours to such endeavors.  I love looking at those blogs, getting inspiration (yes, being envious) and even taking a few ideas here and there. 


However, that isn’t where my passion lies.  My passion lies in helping women see their worth, knowing who they are and what God created them to be and do.  I want women to see themselves as God does. I want women to know that we are all created to serve our families, our friends and our communities in vastly different roles and capacities.  We can find joy in the calling God has for us when we… find our purpose, put behind us the guilt we feel for not being who we thought we should be, and when we end the comparison of ourselves against what we see others around us being and achieving.


So, here goes a new chapter of the OH! blog.  You won’t see many posts about organization or DIY projects – that’s my day job these days – that I love by the way!  This blog will be a place to share what I’m learning from God, fellowship and clients along this journey.  If you want to come join me I would love to have you!  Like Organized Housewife on Facebook to see when new posts are added, or check back periodically to read my ramblings!