Taking it One Step Further…

I’m super excited to share my “fancied up” pantry with you all, but I have to say I’m a little hesitant as well.  Remember my first set of posts about my philosophy of organization?  I must clarify that I by no means think everyone should have...

Organizing A Pantry

  Do you remember that amazing pantry from my first post?  I know some of you do, because we’ve talked about it.  A few of you have already been inspired to get to work transforming your pantry, which I find super exciting!  But, I know that others are too...

Coats and Kisses!

What do coats and kisses have to do with each other?  This time of year I am smothered by a million coats that I don’t know what to do with, and Valentine’s Day planning that always takes me by surprise.  Christmas is over, so I’m supposed to have...

Saving and Storing School Papers

As I promised in my last post, I’d like to share about how I store my children’s school papers and artwork that I want to keep for years to come! As each child’s bin in the mudroom gets full, I transfer papers to 12×12 scrapbook cases from...

Controlling School Paper Clutter

If you have a child that can hold a crayon and make a scribble, you know how hard it is to figure out what to do with all of those “precious masterpieces”.  Enter the school years, and it is multiplied by the random “scribble art” to pass time,...