by jaime | Organization 101, Introductory
My hope is that by this post some of you are excited about the changes that could occur in your life with a little more organization – or a lot! I am excited to get to the projects that will help you with the “how to”. But, before the projects…...
by jaime | Organization 101, Introductory
Hopefully my last post convinced a few of you to hang with me through Organization 101, until we get to the fun projects! Today I want to pause on the topic of why you want to be organized long enough and get a little personal. I’d like to share a little about...
by jaime | Organization 101, Introductory
Welcome back! As a small order of business, I wanted to let you all know that when you post a comment I have to approve it before it is posted, which may take a few hours or even a day. In order to view comments you have to click on the title of the post to go to the...
by jaime | Introductory, Organization 101
Before I talk organization, I have to send out a super big THANK YOU! It was a little scary to hit that “publish” button on my first post. It was even more scary to hit “share” and “send” to let you all know via Facebook & email...